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Since the choice of heroes, role-models and leaders can have a lasting effect on the development of one's personality and life, the Church has always placed before the eyes of the faithful the example of holiness set by the saints. 

This book is a collection of brief life sketches of some 400 saints.  It presents a panoramic parade of some of the outstanding heroes and heroines of the Catholic Church, who by their holy lives, untiring labours and sacrifices have, through the centuries, helped to sustain that indestructible marvel.  

The galaxy of saints presented here include martyrs, popes, priests, abbots, nuns, mystics, thinkers, scholars, educationists, social workers, kings and queens as well as ordinary men and women.

Arranged according to the Church's liturgical calendar, the book includes all Solemnities as well as movable and immovable feasts.  The Reflection given for each day provides the reader with inspiring food for thought.

Saint Companions For Each Day

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